The Executive Committee of SP 7532 Langley has instituted a formal procedure to be followed in respect to ALL movements in and out of the building. All residents – whether they be current occupiers or incoming tenants(and their contracted trades people)– are obliged to comply with these requirements in order to protect the security of the building, to avoid damage to common areas and minimise inconvenience to residents.

For your information we set out hereunder the procedure to be followed.

  • Contact Cambridge Management Services – at least 2 days prior to moving in/out – [telephone 0423 429 396) to obtain a key to the lift. This key will allow you to operate Lift No. 1 during the period of loading/unloading – under no circumstances is the Basement Lift No. 2 to be used for removals.

    DO NOT PREVENT THE LIFT DOORS FROM CLOSING e.g. by the use of any device to force the doors into the open position.

  • Permitted moving in/out times: Monday to Saturday: 9.00am to 4.00pm.
    Permitted trades times: Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm. No weekend work is permitted.
  • Ensure that all loading/removals are via the exit doors at the side [off driveway] and rear [off visitors’ car park] of the building.The front entrance must not be used for deliveries, by removalists or trades people. Removal vans are only allowed to park in the trade bays at the rear of the building.
  • Upon completion the key is to be returned to relevant person as advised by Cambridge Management Services.All exit doors are to be securely fastened and no items are to be left in the common areas of the building for removal/collection by third parties [e.g. collection agencies]. The incoming/outgoing tenant/resident must ensure that the building is secure on completion of the move.
  • There is a bond of $500 cash or cheque payable prior to moving in. This is refundable once the works are complete and the lobby’s and lift have been inspected for damage. Please contact John Sims 0481137827 for further details.